Trademark Registration - Signa

Make your trademark registration

For only $85 USD + sic fees

We submit the trademark registration application to the SIC

Follow up on the process, informing you of any eventuality at each stage of the process.

To begin with, you must know if your Trademark is registrable through a Background Study.

If you want to proceed directly to the registration application without conducting a Background Study, you can also do so at your own risk.

How to request your trademark registration

registro de marcas ante la sic

1. Request the Background Study

Fill out the request

solicitud estudio de marca colombia

2. Pay

For $85 USD + Government Fees

precio registro de marcas ante la sic colombia

3. Receive all the news about the process

Receive the information about your trademark during the process

How much does it cost including the Government Fees?

Our Fee

  • Background Study $20 USD
  • Trademark Registration $85 USD + sic fees

Government Fees

  • $240 USD

Other Fees

  • Oppositions $120 USD
  • Appeal: $185 USD

Request your your trademark registration